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Secondary School

About Secondary

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The Secondary School curriculum at FUNTAJ focuses on supporting young confident adults to reach their potential, in line with the aims of our Student Vision. Students should leave us prepared to face the challenges of university life and beyond.

prepared to face the challenges of university life and beyond. We recognise that the personal development of students is vital. For them to flourish we need to create the right kind of social and work environment, so they are fully supported as they take on the challenges of learning and becoming young adults.

Our focus on involvement outside the classroom alongside academic excellence aims to create the opportunity for students to become active citizens in both their local and global communities as well as adaptable lifelong learners.


Our courses are designed to meet the academic, personal and cultural needs of our students and better equip them for future challenges, while at the same time creating enjoyable learning environments that inspire and motivate. Students follow the full range of subjects, which are linked to the Nigerian Curriculum and the New National Curriculum of England but modified to create challenges appropriate for an international education.

Courses in Drama, Art and Design, Music, Technology, ICT, PE, Moral Education (IRS and CRS) are compulsory at Junior High, along with the core subjects of Maths, English and Science that they will continue up to age 16. They also learn French as a Modern Foreign Language.

This extensive curriculum is taught by highly qualified specialist teachers who make full use of the school’s wide-ranging specialist facilities. Class sizes average around 24 and in Languages, Maths and English, classes are arranged so that students are taught in groups of similar ability. This enables all students to receive both the challenge and the support necessary for them to make the most effective progress and achieve their potential.

Students’ personal and social development from Years 7 to 9 (JSS 1 – JSS 3) is a key issue to be addressed. Individual mentoring is provided to students by their form tutors. There is a structured mentoring programme that form an important part of the curriculum. These opportunities outside the classroom are designed to develop interpersonal and leadership skills, environmental awareness, independent learning and time management skills.


Students follow a full range of courses leading to West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE), International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) Examinations. These examinations are the modern equivalent of ‘O’ levels and are internationally recognised as the basis for further education and training. Through the expertise and dedication of our teaching staff and the support they provide to our students, FUNTAJ consistently achieves excellent results in these examinations. All students follow courses in English Language, Mathematics, Science and PE. In addition, students choose a range of subjects suited to their individual aspirations and abilities. There is a detailed guide to the courses available and advice provided by senior teachers in helping students make the best decision.

Careers education and advice form part of the Mentoring Programme and students take part in a work experience programme in Year 11 (SSS 2) following the completion of mock examinations. Students who show the necessary characteristics of reliability and commitment, could become school prefects and contribute to many aspects of the school community that will help build their resilience, leadership and collaborative skills.

Contact Info

For more information contact us

At Plot 584, David Jemibewon Crescent, Off Oladipo Diya Road, Gudu, Apo, Abuja.

No 6 Nelson Mandela Street, Off Kwame Nkruma Crescent, Off Thomas Sankara Street, Asokoro, Abuja.

+234(0)7057928066, +234(0)7057928544
[email protected]

Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

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